Samsung GT-N7100
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Основные характеристики
Версия Andriod4.1.9; eng.root.002130428; SDK15
Процессор4 cores; ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l); Max: 1400,0 MHz; Min: 200,0 MHz
Дисплей854 x 480; DPI: 240; Evaluated Size: 4,1"
Сенсорный экранNOT multitouch 1 point
Графический ускорительMali-400MP; ARM; OpenGL ES-CM 1.1; OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.8@905891
ОЗУ512 MB (486 MB available)
Память4 GB (3.589 GB actual); 2 GB (1.842 GB actual) (см. вкладку "Память")
ТелефонGSM, Dual SIM; Net: UMTS
WiFiwlan_mt6628; IEEE 802.11 b/g/n; MediaTek MT6628; AP Mode
USB HostNo
BluetoothBluetooth 3.0+HS, 4.0
Установленные компоненты
Главная камераPhoto: 8.0 MP; Max: 3264x2448; Focus: auto continuous-picture continuous-video macro infinity manual fullscan; Flash modes: auto on off torch
Доп. камераPhoto: 1.9 MP; Max size: 1600x1200; Focus: infinity; No flash
Датчикиyamaha530 3-axis Magnetic Field sensor (Aichi Steel); range: 0...600; resolution: 0,002 (0%); power: 0,25mA;
bma222 3-axis Accelerometer (The Android Open Source Project); range: 0...32; resolution: 0,004 (0,012%); power: 0,13mA;
tmd2771 Proximity Sensor (Capella); range: 0...1; resolution: 1 (100%); power: 0,13mA;
tmd2771 Light Sensor (Capella); range: 0...10240; resolution: 1 (0,01%); power: 0,13mA;
Языки43; Arabic; Bulgarian; Bengali; Catalan; Czech; Danish; German; Greek; English; Spanish; Persian; Finnish; Filipino; French; Hebrew; Hindi; Croatian; Hungarian; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Lithuanian; Latvian; Malay; Norwegian; Dutch; Polish; Pashto; Portuguese; Romansh; Romanian; Russian; Slovak; Slovenian; Serbian; Swedish; Thai; Turkish; Ukrainian; Urdu; Vietnamese; Chinese
АккумуляторTechnology: Li-ion; Voltage: 3698
FM radioSupported by chipset
SD Version:1.1 7

KERNEL: Linux version 3.0.13 (root@nebula) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 28 15:21:36 CST 2013
Mainboard: GT-N7100
BRAND: Samsung
CPU_ABI: armeabi-v7a
CPU_ABI2: armeabi
DEVICE: Galaxy NoteII
FINGERPRINT: alps/s3/s3:4.1.9/IMM76D/1367133730:user/test-keys
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
TAGS: test-keys

Processor : ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)
processor : 0
BogoMIPS : 1862.86
processor : 1
BogoMIPS : 1862.86
processor : 2
BogoMIPS : 1862.86
processor : 3
BogoMIPS : 1862.86
Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant : 0x3
CPU part : 0xc09
CPU revision : 0
Hardware : SMDK4x12
Revision : 65fb8a00
Serial : 0000000000000000


<6>[ 3394.548086] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000091] => [ 15 226 145] after
<7>[ 3394.595145] (1)[4693:dmesg] exit
<7>[ 3394.595403] (1)[4693:dmesg] sig 17 to [4520:AsyncTask #3]
<6>[ 3394.608520] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000092] => [ 16 226 146] after
<7>[ 3394.622333] (0)[300:WifiStateMachin] fork [4694:WifiStateMachin]
<7>[ 3394.624161] (0)[4694:WifiStateMachin] set proc[4694] name: ->[loadDriverThrea]
<6>[ 3394.636771] (0)[WLAN] rfkill_set_block(blocked 0)
<6>[ 3394.636784] (0)[WLAN] Power on
<3>[ 3394.636800] (0)[WMT-EXP][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3) type(3) start
<6>[ 3394.637672] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_psm_disable:[W] STP Not Ready, Dont do Sleep/Wakeup
<3>[ 3394.637740] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:[WMT-PLAT]=>dump wmt pin configuration start<=
<3>[ 3394.638843] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:LDO(GPIO186)
<3>[ 3394.642853] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:PMU(GPIO187)
<3>[ 3394.643605] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:PMUV28(not defined)
<3>[ 3394.644415] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:RST(GPIO59)
<3>[ 3394.646348] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:BGF_EINT(GPIO13)
<3>[ 3394.648471] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:BGF_EINT_NUM(14)
<3>[ 3394.649254] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:WIFI_EINT(GPIO15)
<3>[ 3394.651685] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:WIFI_EINT_NUM(18)
<7>[ 3394.655917] (0)[256:er.ServerThread] fork [4695:er.ServerThread]
<3>[ 3394.660550] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:UART_RX(GPIO79)
<3>[ 3394.661321] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:UART_TX(GPIO71)
<3>[ 3394.662088] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:DAICLK(GPIO63)
<3>[ 3394.662847] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:PCMOUT(GPIO62)
<7>[ 3394.665017] (0)[4695:er.ServerThread] set proc[4695] name: ->[Thread-358]
<7>[ 3394.667626] (0)[4695:Thread-358] exit
<3>[ 3394.667697] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:PCMIN(GPIO64)
<6>[ 3394.668483] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000092] => [ 15 226 146] after
<3>[ 3394.668949] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:PCMSYNC(GPIO65)
<3>[ 3394.669776] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:FM digital mode is not set, no need for I2S GPIOs
<3>[ 3394.671144] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:GPS_SYNC(GPIO118)
<3>[ 3394.671931] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:GPS_LNA(GPIO185)
<3>[ 3394.672710] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_dump_pin_conf:[WMT-PLAT]=>dump wmt pin configuration emds<=
<3>[ 3394.673926] (0)[WMT-CMB-HW][I]mtk_wcn_cmb_hw_pwr_on:CMB-HW, hw_pwr_on start
<6>[ 3394.728064] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000091] => [ 16 226 145] after
<6>[ 3394.788214] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000092] => [ 15 226 146] after
<7>[ 3394.807195] (1)[4687:Thread-252] exit
<7>[ 3394.815331] (0)[4691:Thread-253] exit
<6>[ 3394.848072] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000095] => [ 16 226 149] after
<3>[ 3394.877129] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_audio_ctrl:PCM/I2S pin seperate
<3>[ 3394.877943] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_i2s_ctrl:[MT662x]warnning:FM digital mode is not set, no I2S GPIO settings should be modified by combo driver
<3>[ 3394.879717] (0)[WMT-PLAT][I]wmt_plat_audio_ctrl:skip chip aif setting
<4>[ 3394.880719] (0)[STP-PSM] [E]_stp_psm_notify_stp(1174):ERROR! Invalid Action!!
<4>[ 3394.880731] (0)
<3>[ 3394.881850] (0)[WMT-CMB-HW][I]mtk_wcn_cmb_hw_pwr_on:CMB-HW, BGF_EINT IRQ registered and disabled
<3>[ 3394.883006] (0)[WMT-CMB-HW][I]mtk_wcn_cmb_hw_pwr_on:CMB-HW, hw_pwr_on finish (0)
<4>[ 3394.884863] (0)mtk_get_bus_freq() return 260000
<3>[ 3394.885664] (0)[WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_ul_cmd:str(open_stp) result(0)
<4>[ 3394.886448] (0)Flush type = 4 Rx Queue
<3>[ 3394.887143] (0)[WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_ul_cmd:str(baud_115200_0) result(0)
<6>[ 3394.887988] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_enable:[I] mtk_wcn_stp_enable: set the current enable = (0)
<4>[ 3394.888012] (0)[STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_reset: _stp_psm_reset
<4>[ 3394.888696] (0)[STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_reset: reset-wake_lock(0)
<4>[ 3394.889425] (0)[STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_reset: reset-wake_lock(0)
<6>[ 3394.890160] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_ready:[I] set ready (0)
<6>[ 3394.890181] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_set_mode:[I] STP_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL = 00000002
<6>[ 3394.890204] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_enable:[I] mtk_wcn_stp_enable: set the current enable = (1)
<6>[ 3394.890227] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_coredump_start_ctrl:[I] set f/w assert (0)
<3>[ 3394.895913] (0)[WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_hw_check:get hwcode (chip id) (0x6628)
<3>[ 3394.902434] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_ver_check:MT6628: read hw_ver (hw version) (0x8a10)
<6>[ 3394.908102] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E1 00000091] => [ 15 225 145] after
<3>[ 3394.909056] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_ver_check:MT6628: read fw_ver (rom version) (0x8a10)
<3>[ 3394.910044] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_find_wmt_ic_info:found ic info(0x8a10) by full match! index:1
<3>[ 3394.911155] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_ver_check:MT6628: wmt ic info: MT6628.E2 (0x8a10, WMTHWVER:1, patch_ext:_e2)
<3>[ 3394.912514] (0)[WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_hw_check:chip id(0x6628) ver_check ok
<3>[ 3394.924463] (0)[WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_ul_cmd:str(baud_4000000_0) result(0)
<3>[ 3394.925320] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_sw_init:WMT-CORE: change baudrate(4000000) ok
<3>[ 3394.928993] (0)[WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_ul_cmd:str(srh_patch) result(0)
<3>[ 3394.929786] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:valid patch found: (/system/etc/firmware//mt6628_patch_e2_hdr.bin)
<3>[ 3394.931134] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:===========================================
<3>[ 3394.932454] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:[Combo Patch] Built Time = 20120611140339a
<3>[ 3394.933568] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:[Combo Patch] Hw Ver = 0x8a10
<3>[ 3394.934397] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:[Combo Patch] Sw Ver = 0x8a10
<3>[ 3394.935231] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:[Combo Patch] Ph Ver = 0x0010
<3>[ 3394.936067] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:[Combo Patch] Platform = ALPS
<3>[ 3394.936901] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:===========================================
<6>[ 3394.968019] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E2 00000091] => [ 17 226 145] after
<3>[ 3395.019066] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_patch_dwn:wmt_core: patch dwn:0 frag(13, 436) ok
<3>[ 3395.020533] (0)[WMT-IC][I]wmt_stp_init_coex:ctrl GET_WMT_CONF ok(0xbf146bd8)
<3>[ 3395.021960] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_sw_init:init_coex ok
<6>[ 3395.023099] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_set_mode:[I] STP_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL = 00000001
<6>[ 3395.023112] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_enable:[I] mtk_wcn_stp_enable: set the current enable = (1)
<6>[ 3395.023125] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_coredump_start_ctrl:[I] set f/w assert (0)
<3>[ 3395.023135] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_sw_init:enable host STP-UART-FULL mode
<6>[ 3395.028703] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000092] => [ 15 226 146] after
<3>[ 3395.040086] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_sw_init:set fm mode (2) ok
<3>[ 3395.040775] (0)[WMT-IC][I]mt6628_sw_init:disable mt662x firmware coredump
<6>[ 3395.041621] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_psm_enable:[W] STP Not Ready, Dont do Sleep/Wakeup
<6>[ 3395.041635] (0)[STP] mtk_wcn_stp_ready:[I] set ready (1)
<4>[ 3395.041647] (0)mt_combo_sdio_ctrl: force set sdio port to (3)
<6>[ 3395.042352] (0)board_sdio_ctrl force off before on
<6>[ 3395.042360] (0)mtk_wcn_cmb_sdio_off (3)
<5>[ 3395.042478] (0)[Power/clkmgr] [freq_meter] data = 15495, freq = 196 MHz
<5>[ 3395.043295] (0)[Power/clkmgr] [freq_meter] data = 43, freq = 0 MHz
<6>[ 3395.044063] (0)mtk_wcn_cmb_sdio_on (3)
<5>[ 3395.044175] (0)[Power/clkmgr] [freq_meter] data = 15495, freq = 196 MHz
<3>[ 3395.044991] (0)msdc3 -> USR Resume <- msdc_pm() : L<1725> PID<0x52>
<3>[ 3395.067286] (1)msdc3 -> ================ <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<977> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.068329] (1)msdc3 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<197000KHz> -> sclk<397KHz> DDR<0> mode<0> div<124> <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<979> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.069986] (1)msdc3 -> ================ <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<980> PID<0x20>
<6>[ 3395.088082] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000091] => [ 15 226 145] after
<3>[ 3395.093409] (0)msdc3 -> select card<0x00010000> <- msdc_command_start() : L<1795> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.110045] (0)msdc3 -> SD latch data<1> cmd<1> <- msdc_ops_set_ios() : L<4136> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.111241] (0)msdc3 -> ================ <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<977> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.112298] (0)msdc3 -> !!! Set<50000KHz> Source<197000KHz> -> sclk<49250KHz> DDR<0> mode<0> div<1> <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<979> PID<0x20>
<3>[ 3395.113992] (0)msdc3 -> ================ <- msdc_set_mclk() : L<980> PID<0x20>
<6>[ 3395.116835] (0)mmc2: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
<6>[ 3395.119044] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:start!
<6>[ 3395.119057] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:vendor(0x37a) device(0x6628) num(0x1)
<6>[ 3395.119068] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:card->info[0]: 6628
<6>[ 3395.119077] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:card->info[1]: Combo
<6>[ 3395.119086] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:card->info[2]:
<6>[ 3395.119095] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:card->info[3]:
<6>[ 3395.119210] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_probe:cur_blksize(512) max(2048), host max blk_size(2048) blk_count(524288)
<7>[ 3395.119245] (0)WQ_WARN: cpu:4, proc:kworker/u:1, [mmc_rescan+0x0/0x2dc]dur: 72443769 > 15ms
<6>[ 3395.148058] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000092] => [ 16 226 146] after
<6>[ 3395.207225] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_wifi_on:start!
<7>[ 3395.207743] (1)[2:kthreadd] fork [4696:kthreadd]
<6>[ 3395.207794] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_wifi_on:sdio_claim_irq() for wifi ok
<5>[ 3395.207901] (0)[wlan] net_device prDev(0xc21b0000) allocated
<6>[ 3395.212425] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000092] => [ 16 226 146] after
<5>[ 3395.214740] (0)[wlan] Open FW image: WIFI_RAM_CODE done
<5>[ 3395.216208] (0)[wlan] [RT_MONITOR]WARNNING [4696:ksdioirqd/mmc2] SET NOT ALLOW RT Prio [1] for proc [4696:ksdioirqd/mmc2]
<4>[ 3395.219340] (0)Allocating 4096 bytes for COMMON MGMT MEMORY POOL.
<5>[ 3395.220221] (0)[wlan] Virtual Address = e460f000 for COMMON MGMT MEMORY POOL.
<5>[ 3395.221133] (0)[wlan] Allocating 11136 bytes for SW_RFB_T.
<5>[ 3395.221867] (0)[wlan] Virtual Address = e4611000 for SW_RFB_T.
<5>[ 3395.222944] (0)[wlan] Allocating 13312 bytes for MSDU_INFO_T.
<5>[ 3395.223728] (0)[wlan] Virtual Address = e4615000 for MSDU_INFO_T.
<6>[ 3395.224703] (0)[wlan] wlanAdapterStart(): Acquiring LP-OWN
<6>[ 3395.237418] (0)[wlan] Chip ID: 0x6628
<6>[ 3395.237470] (0)[wlan] Revision ID: 0x0
<6>[ 3395.268295] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000091] => [ 15 226 145] after
<6>[ 3395.328065] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000092] => [ 16 226 146] after
<6>[ 3395.388024] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E3 00000091] => [ 16 227 145] after
<6>[ 3395.448040] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000093] => [ 16 226 147] after
<7>[ 3395.497145] (0)WQ_WARN: cpu:0, proc:kworker/0:1, [thermal_zone_device_check+0x0/0x18]dur: 309994847 > 15ms
<6>[ 3395.508013] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E3 00000091] => [ 15 227 145] after
<6>[ 3395.568039] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000090] => [ 16 226 144] after
<6>[ 3395.628009] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E3 00000092] => [ 16 227 146] after
<6>[ 3395.688012] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000091] => [ 16 226 145] after
<6>[ 3395.748004] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E3 00000094] => [ 16 227 148] after
<6>[ 3395.808018] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000090] => [ 15 226 144] after
<6>[ 3395.868097] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E3 00000091] => [ 16 227 145] after
<6>[ 3395.928014] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000091] => [ 16 226 145] after
<6>[ 3395.981688] (0)[wlan] wlanAdapterStart(): Waiting for Ready bit..
<6>[ 3395.988003] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000091] => [ 15 226 145] after
<6>[ 3396.048196] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E3 00000093] => [ 17 227 147] after
<6>[ 3396.057285] (0)[wlan] Ready bit asserted
<5>[ 3396.079507] (1)[wlan] RF CAL FAIL = (0),BB CAL FAIL = (0)
<5>[ 3396.080538] (1)[wlan] [wifi] wlan%d netif_carrier_off
<6>[ 3396.081204] (1)[wlan] [1] fgEnArpFilter:0x1, u4UapsdAcBmp:0x0, u4MaxSpLen:0x0
<6>[ 3396.081345] (1)[wlan] eNetTypeIndex:0, ePwrMode:2, fgEnCmdEvent:0
<5>[ 3396.081618] (1)[wlan] Domain: map=0, idx=1, code=0x0000
<7>[ 3396.083194] (1)[2:kthreadd] fork [4697:kthreadd]
<5>[ 3396.087560] (0)[wlan] tx_thread starts running...
<6>[ 3396.108210] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000092] => [ 16 226 146] after
<6>[ 3396.168344] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E2 00000090] => [ 17 226 144] after
<6>[ 3396.184732] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_clt_probe_func:clt_probe_func card_id(6628) func_num(1) blk_sz(512) prob_idx(0) ret(0) ok
<6>[ 3396.184786] (0)[WMT-DFT][I]hif_sdio_wifi_on:ok!
<3>[ 3396.184883] (0)[WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC ON]status(b:0 f:0 g:0 w:2 lpbk:0 coredump:0 wmt:2 sd1:2 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 3396.186476] (0)[STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_put_op: opId(1) enqueue
<3>[ 3396.187388] (0)[WMT-EXP][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3) type(3) ok
<4>[ 3396.188421] (1)[STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_notify_wmt: In ACT state, dont do WAKEUP/HOST_AWAKE again
<7>[ 3396.190267] (0)[4694:loadDriverThrea] exit
<7>[ 3396.198448] (1)[2:kthreadd] fork [4698:kthreadd]
<6>[ 3396.198607] (1)[RTlog insert] fib_netdev_event() wlan0 NETDEV_UP!
<6>[ 3396.198629] (1)ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
<7>[ 3396.217713] (1)WQ_WARN: cpu:1, proc:kworker/1:1, [wlanSetMulticastListWorkQueue+0x0/0x1f4 [wlan_mt6628]]dur: 19312846 > 15ms
<5>[ 3396.218101] (1)init: starting `wpa_supplicant`
<7>[ 3396.218876] (1)[1:init] fork [4699:init]
<7>[ 3396.219704] (0)[4699:init] set proc[4699] name: ->[logwrapper]
<7>[ 3396.219896] (1)[300:WifiStateMachin] fork [4700:WifiStateMachin]
<7>[ 3396.219948] (1)[4700:WifiStateMachin] set proc[4700] name: ->[WifiMonitor]
<7>[ 3396.221960] (0)[4699:logwrapper] fork [4701:logwrapper]
<7>[ 3396.222480] (0)[4701:logwrapper] set proc[4701] name: ->[wpa_supplicant]
<6>[ 3396.228101] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000094] => [ 16 226 148] after
<5>[ 3396.247620] (0)[wlan] N=0 closed
<5>[ 3396.248125] (0)[wlan] EVENT-ROAMING ABORT: Current Time = 3096060
<5>[ 3396.248880] (0)[wlan] [13] TRANSITION: [0] -> [0]
<6>[ 3396.252209] (0)[wlan] NAF=0,0,0
<6>[ 3396.252232] (0)[wlan] NAF=0,0,0
<4>[ 3396.277480] (0)dbs_check_cpu: turn off CPU1
<4>[ 3396.287134] (0)hp_work_handler: cpu_down kick off
<7>[ 3396.287727] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_00, c04de7a4
<7>[ 3396.287736] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_01, c009b384
<7>[ 3396.287745] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_02, c04de80c
<7>[ 3396.287754] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_03, c04dfd20
<7>[ 3396.287762] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_04, c04dcab4
<7>[ 3396.287843] (1)[2:kthreadd] fork [4702:kthreadd]
<6>[ 3396.288458] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000091] => [ 16 226 145] after
<7>[ 3396.297943] (1)[2:kthreadd] fork [4703:kthreadd]
<7>[ 3396.297993] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_05, c04e0770
<7>[ 3396.298005] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_06, c00ecf28
<7>[ 3396.298013] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_07, c04e022c
<7>[ 3396.298022] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_08, c04dffe8
<7>[ 3396.298030] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_09, c022bb84
<7>[ 3396.298039] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_10, c04df1d8
<7>[ 3396.298047] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_11, c04dfb38
<7>[ 3396.298055] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_12, c04dedb4
<7>[ 3396.298063] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_13, c00cf500
<7>[ 3396.298071] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_14, c013fe44
<7>[ 3396.298079] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_15, c04e00cc
<7>[ 3396.298088] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_16, c04deea8
<7>[ 3396.298096] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_17, c008f610
<7>[ 3396.298108] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_18, c004dde4
<7>[ 3396.298116] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_19, c04e0348
<7>[ 3396.298123] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_20, c04e03c8
<7>[ 3396.298131] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_21, c03d3240
<7>[ 3396.298139] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_22, c04dccd0
<7>[ 3396.298147] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_23, c04e015c
<7>[ 3396.298158] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_24, c04e0458
<7>[ 3396.298166] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_25, c04e05cc
<7>[ 3396.298174] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_26, c04e0978
<7>[ 3396.298182] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_27, c003aec0
<7>[ 3396.298190] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_28, c04e06cc
<7>[ 3396.298211] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_29, c04deb74
<7>[ 3396.298220] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_30, c04e0850
<7>[ 3396.298227] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_31, c04de7dc
<7>[ 3396.298236] (0)[cpu_ntf] 05_32, c009b3c0
<4>[ 3396.298371] (1)[Power/hotplug] platform_cpu_disable, cpu: 1
<7>[ 3396.299201] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_00, c04de7a4
<7>[ 3396.299211] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_01, c009b384
<7>[ 3396.299219] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_02, c04de80c
<7>[ 3396.299229] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_03, c04dfd20
<7>[ 3396.299238] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_04, c04dcab4
<7>[ 3396.299246] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_05, c04e0770
<7>[ 3396.299254] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_06, c00ecf28
<7>[ 3396.299262] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_07, c04e022c
<7>[ 3396.299270] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_08, c04dffe8
<7>[ 3396.299278] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_09, c022bb84
<7>[ 3396.299286] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_10, c04df1d8
<7>[ 3396.299294] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_11, c04dfb38
<7>[ 3396.299303] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_12, c04dedb4
<7>[ 3396.299311] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_13, c00cf500
<7>[ 3396.299319] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_14, c013fe44
<7>[ 3396.299327] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_15, c04e00cc
<7>[ 3396.299335] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_16, c04deea8
<7>[ 3396.299343] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_17, c008f610
<7>[ 3396.299350] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_18, c004dde4
<7>[ 3396.299358] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_19, c04e0348
<7>[ 3396.299366] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_20, c04e03c8
<7>[ 3396.299373] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_21, c03d3240
<7>[ 3396.299381] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_22, c04dccd0
<7>[ 3396.299389] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_23, c04e015c
<7>[ 3396.299397] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_24, c04e0458
<7>[ 3396.299404] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_25, c04e05cc
<7>[ 3396.299412] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_26, c04e0978
<7>[ 3396.299420] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_27, c003aec0
<7>[ 3396.299427] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_28, c04e06cc
<7>[ 3396.299435] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_29, c04deb74
<7>[ 3396.299443] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_30, c04e0850
<7>[ 3396.299450] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_31, c04de7dc
<7>[ 3396.299458] (1)[cpu_ntf] 08_32, c009b3c0
<4>[ 3396.299488] (1)[Power/hotplug] platform_cpu_die, cpu: 1
<5>[ 3396.299500] (0)CPU1: shutdown
<4>[ 3396.299505] (1)[Power/hotplug] cpu_enter_lowpower
<4>[ 3396.300450] (0)[Power/hotplug] platform_cpu_kill, cpu: 1
<7>[ 3396.305274] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_00, c04de7a4
<7>[ 3396.305282] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_01, c009b384
<7>[ 3396.305290] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_02, c04de80c
<7>[ 3396.305298] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_03, c04dfd20
<7>[ 3396.305305] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_04, c04dcab4
<7>[ 3396.305313] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_05, c04e0770
<7>[ 3396.305321] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_06, c00ecf28
<7>[ 3396.305372] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_07, c04e022c
<7>[ 3396.305500] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_08, c04dffe8
<7>[ 3396.305511] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_09, c022bb84
<7>[ 3396.305522] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_10, c04df1d8
<7>[ 3396.305543] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_11, c04dfb38
<7>[ 3396.305570] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_12, c04dedb4
<7>[ 3396.305578] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_13, c00cf500
<7>[ 3396.305585] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_14, c013fe44
<7>[ 3396.305596] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_15, c04e00cc
<7>[ 3396.305603] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_16, c04deea8
<7>[ 3396.305633] (0)[4684:ksoftirqd/1] exit
<7>[ 3396.305724] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_17, c008f610
<7>[ 3396.305745] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_18, c004dde4
<7>[ 3396.305754] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_19, c04e0348
<7>[ 3396.305766] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_20, c04e03c8
<7>[ 3396.305782] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_21, c03d3240
<7>[ 3396.305795] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_22, c04dccd0
<7>[ 3396.305813] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_23, c04e015c
<7>[ 3396.305822] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_24, c04e0458
<7>[ 3396.305913] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_25, c04e05cc
<7>[ 3396.305936] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_26, c04e0978
<7>[ 3396.305961] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_27, c003aec0
<7>[ 3396.305968] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_28, c04e06cc
<7>[ 3396.305976] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_29, c04deb74
<7>[ 3396.305984] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_30, c04e0850
<4>[ 3396.305991] (0)[WDK]:start Stop CPU:1
<4>[ 3396.306436] (0)[WDK]cpu 1 plug off, wk_stop_kick_cpu
<7>[ 3396.307033] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_31, c04de7dc
<7>[ 3396.307055] (0)[cpu_ntf] 07_32, c009b3c0
<7>[ 3396.307138] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_00, c04de7a4
<7>[ 3396.307146] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_01, c009b384
<7>[ 3396.307154] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_02, c04de80c
<7>[ 3396.307162] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_03, c04dfd20
<7>[ 3396.307184] (0)[4682:migration/1] exit
<7>[ 3396.307252] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_04, c04dcab4
<7>[ 3396.307271] (0)[4703:kworker/1:3] exit
<7>[ 3396.307302] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_05, c04e0770
<7>[ 3396.307310] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_06, c00ecf28
<7>[ 3396.307318] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_07, c04e022c
<7>[ 3396.307325] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_08, c04dffe8
<7>[ 3396.307333] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_09, c022bb84
<7>[ 3396.307341] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_10, c04df1d8
<7>[ 3396.307348] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_11, c04dfb38
<7>[ 3396.307356] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_12, c04dedb4
<7>[ 3396.307363] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_13, c00cf500
<7>[ 3396.307371] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_14, c013fe44
<7>[ 3396.307378] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_15, c04e00cc
<7>[ 3396.307386] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_16, c04deea8
<7>[ 3396.307393] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_17, c008f610
<7>[ 3396.307400] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_18, c004dde4
<7>[ 3396.307408] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_19, c04e0348
<7>[ 3396.307415] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_20, c04e03c8
<7>[ 3396.307422] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_21, c03d3240
<7>[ 3396.307430] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_22, c04dccd0
<7>[ 3396.307437] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_23, c04e015c
<7>[ 3396.307444] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_24, c04e0458
<7>[ 3396.307452] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_25, c04e05cc
<7>[ 3396.307473] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_26, c04e0978
<7>[ 3396.307481] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_27, c003aec0
<7>[ 3396.307488] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_28, c04e06cc
<7>[ 3396.307496] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_29, c04deb74
<7>[ 3396.307503] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_30, c04e0850
<7>[ 3396.307511] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_31, c04de7dc
<7>[ 3396.307518] (0)[cpu_ntf] 09_32, c009b3c0
<4>[ 3396.307525] (0)hp_work_handler: cpu_down completion
<7>[ 3396.308138] (0)WQ_WARN: cpu:0, proc:kworker/0:3, [hp_work_handler+0x0/0x84]dur: 20989692 > 15ms
<6>[ 3396.348939] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E3 00000091] => [ 17 227 145] after
<7>[ 3396.397238] (0)[4685:kworker/1:1] exit
<7>[ 3396.397531] (0)[4698:kworker/1:2] exit
<7>[ 3396.397693] (0)[4683:kworker/1:0] exit
<7>[ 3396.397905] (0)[4702:workqueue_trust] exit
<6>[ 3396.408281] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E2 00000093] => [ 16 226 147] after
<6>[ 3396.468109] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E3 00000091] => [ 17 227 145] after
<5>[ 3396.481429] (0)[wlan] [13] TRANSITION: [0] -> [2]
<6>[ 3396.542707] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000092] => [ 15 226 146] after
<7>[ 3396.543331] (0)WQ_WARN: cpu:0, proc:kworker/0:1, [hwmsen_work_func+0x0/0x47c]dur: 16067154 > 15ms
<5>[ 3396.583980] (0)[wlan] CMD set_band=0
<6>[ 3396.598042] (0)[Gsensor] [0000000F 000000E2 00000092] => [ 15 226 146] after
<6>[ 3396.658142] (0)[Gsensor] [00000011 000000E1 00000092] => [ 17 225 146] after
<5>[ 3396.718012] (0)[wlan] [13] TRANSITION: [2] -> [0]
<6>[ 3396.718646] (0)[Gsensor] [00000010 000000E3 00000093] => [ 16 227 147] after
<6>[ 3396.729954] (0)[wlan] NAF=0,0,0
<7>[ 3396.742405] (0)[4520:AsyncTask #3] fork [4704:AsyncTask #3]
<7>[ 3396.751549] (0)[4704:AsyncTask #3] set proc[4704] name: ->[dmesg]

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by年 04月 28日 星期日 15:23:08 CST
ro.product.brand=Samsung NoteII
ro.product.device=Galaxy NoteII
# is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 4.1.9 IMM76D eng.root.002130428 test-keys BEAN
# end build properties
# begin mediatek build properties
# end mediatek build properties
# system.prop for generic sdk
rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyC0
# MTK, Infinity, 20090720 {
# MTK, Infinity, 20090720 }
# MTK, mtk03034, 20101210 {
# MTK, mtk03034 20101210}
# MTK, mtk03034, 20110318 {
# MTK, mtk03034 20110318}
# MTK, mtk03034, 20101213 {
# MTK, mtk03034 20101213}
# MTK, TeChien {
# MTK, TeChien }
# Encrypt phone function
# Power off opt in IPO

wlan_mt6628 285155 0 - Live 0xbf1f7000 (P)
cfg80211 121716 0 - Live 0xbf1ce000
mtk_fm_priv 2399 0 - Live 0xbf1ca000 (P)
mtk_fm_drv 98433 1 mtk_fm_priv, Live 0xbf1aa000
mtk_stp_bt 39986 0 - Live 0xbf19d000
mtk_stp_gps 37294 0 - Live 0xbf190000
mtk_stp_uart 21589 0 - Live 0xbf187000 (P)
mtk_stp_wmt 373560 7 wlan_mt6628,mtk_fm_priv,mtk_fm_drv,mtk_stp_bt,mtk_stp_gps,mtk_stp_uart, Live 0xbf11d000 (P)
mtk_hif_sdio 18482 2 wlan_mt6628,mtk_stp_wmt, Live 0xbf114000
devinfo 840 0 - Live 0xbf110000 (P)
devapc 4553 0 - Live 0xbf10b000 (P)
sec 90369 0 - Live 0xbf0ee000 (P)
vcodec_kernel_driver 28254 0 - Live 0xbf0e2000 (P)
m4u 113419 18 - Live 0xbf0bd000 (P)
ccmni 17126 0 - Live 0xbf0b4000 (P)
ccci 116351 15 ccmni, Live 0xbf08c000 (P)
ccci_plat 127258 2 ccmni,ccci, Live 0xbf063000 (P)
mtk_drvb_77 6081 0 - Live 0xbf05e000 (P)
mtklfb 23566 0 - Live 0xbf054000
pvrsrvkm 233127 79 mtklfb, Live 0xbf00d000
mtk_hwe 1394 0 - Live 0xbf009000 (P)
aed 16380 0 - Live 0xbf000000 (P)

RAM: 512 MB (486 MB available)

System RAM: 486.000MB
mtkfb.0: 4.000MB

Flash: 4 GB (3.589 GB actual); 2 GB (1.842 GB actual)

mmcblk0: 3.589 GB
mmcblk1: 1.842 GB

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